“Before I was an Egg I was a Chicken”

Performed: Waxworks (Triskelion Arts)

April 2024 (Greenspace Fertile Ground) & May 2024

Dancers: Alicia Steeves, Campbell Ives, Chloe Sonnet Brown(Greenspace), Frances Heitzalman, Isa Segall, Sara Sines(Greenspace)

Costumes by Chloe Sonnet Brown


Performed at Exit Space, Bloom Showing

May 2023

Music by Evan Brown

Costumes by Chloe Sonnet Brown

Dancers: Isabella Smith and Lulu Munteanu


Filmed, Edited, Performed by Lulu Munteanu

October 2021


Performed at Ancient Lakes Dance Festival 2021

Music by Evan Brown

Dancers: Chloe Sonnet Brown, Aleigha Mayo, Josh Schwartz, Kelsey Boyle

“Tender Roses”

Created for San Francisco Emerging Choreographers Forum, 2020

Music: Field Medic, Arvo Part

Performed by Lulu Munteanu and Chloe Sonnet Brown


Performed at Ancient Lakes Dance Festival, 2020

Music by Zehao Huang

Dancer: Ashton Edwards